P.U.S.H. Publishing Inc. founded in August of 2020 stands for Pray Until Something Happens. Our name was given to us by the Late Altheia Ellice Smith-Parham affectionately known to P.U.S.H. Publishing’s CEO as Niece Pooh. Altheia lost her fight with Sarcoidosis; an incurable disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells. Just weeks prior to her passing, she conversed with Connie about spooling up advertisement for P.U.S.H. and her belief in our mission. Her last words and throughout her battle with Sarcoidosis was to continue to pray until something happens. She is sorely missed and will never be forgotten. Connie D. Standifer, CEO and Author of When The Bough Breaks (WTBB) firmly believes that everyone has a story to tell and your life experiences are not solely for your benefit, but they are life lessons to share with those coming behind you to help navigate life’s obstacles. Our children are our greatest assets and it’s our responsibility to ensure they have what they need to thrive. No one can tell your story better than you can, so let P.U.S.H. help you tell your story one page at a time. P.U.S.H. strives to present a professional product in all facets of publishing. Your voice and concepts for a written project entrusted to P.U.S.H. will remain yours throughout the publishing process. P.U.S.H. Publishing offers fair and reasonable prices. P.U.S.H. Publishing will do all in our power to ensure our customers receive professional and timely services. Need Advice? I can teach you how to publish your book or do it for you. Let’s Talk! Mari And The Majestic Butterfly is the latest manuscript produced by P.U.S.H. Publishing Inc. due for initial circulation in late 2021.
In March 2021, CEO of P.U.S.H. Publishing Inc. and Author of When the Bough Breaks, Connie D. Standifer revealed in a blog to her subscribers new project in the making, and this time it’s a children’s book entitled; Mari And The Majestic Butterfly. She finished the rough sketches and off to the illustrator it went. Connie’s very proud of this project in that everything associated with this book screams black girl magic, from the main character, the author, editor, and illustrator are women of color. Although this book was written, edited, illustrated by us, and depicts us, it has a message for ALL of us regardless of the readers color or ethnicity. Connie worked very hard to bring an African American themed book to children worldwide that we all can be proud of. The book is undergoing final details and completion is expected in the coming weeks. Stay tune more to come on pre-order and purchase information.